Passion for Marketing

We are united by the satisfaction that our work has an impact on businesses around the world, and this is possible thanks to the trust of our clients and the commitment of our team.

Marketing in our DNA

BIGSEO was founded in 2012 by Romuald Fons, Best 100 Influencer by Forbes (2021), Top Business Influencer by Eshow (2022) and recognised as one of the most influential marketers internationally.

For more than 10 years Romuald Fons has been helping companies and entrepreneurs to improve their businesses with digital marketing, driving the largest Spanish-speaking SEO community in the world and training more than 1 million people on his social networks.

Dándote los resultados que deseabas y brindándote los resultados que no sabías que necesitabas

Identify opportunities that deliver results in the short, medium and long term. We focus all our efforts on increasing conversions and growing your business. To do this, we work with scientific rigour.

Your business moves and so do we

That is why we offer you an individual and personalised strategy. As each project is different, we propose unique actions according to the needs of each business. Our methodology is based on innovation to achieve your goals.

Success is built by our team

Motivated, efficient and close to forge the identity of companies. We have professionals who have a vision of the future and we invest in their continuous professional development. Making you grow helps us to grow.

+150 Brands

We generate business for international and national companies

65 countries

From those chosen by our clients and our pupils

+3M invoiced

Annually in the three BIGSEO Holding companies

+50% Growth

Compared to 2021 and 100% growth over the previous period.

R&D and Avant-Garde

We have created and shared strategies that have influenced the marketing industry since 2012.


We are the International 360° Marketing Agency

We constantly analyse data to make decisions in real time and improve the return on your investment. We believe that each client has different needs and rhythms, our job is to generate the maximum return within their time and expectations.

We focus on data

We accelerate the growth of your brand thanks to data analysis. We launch hypotheses, perform A/B tests and make decisions based on analytics and results.

We are agile

We make effective decisions based on the analysis of results and around a strategy. We constantly optimise the process to improve results.

Experience in your sector

From the industrial sector to SaaS, from food, tourism or FMCG marketplaces. We are likely to have experience generating business in your sector.

People at BIGSEO

Experts from different sectors and with experience in the world of international digital marketing agencies, we are not satisfied with just good results: we seek excellence in order to achieve our clients’ objectives.

We have worked with major companies

We have improved the positioning and increased the profits of large brands such as Danone, Shopify, Glovo, Typeform or Enrique Tomás. We have also helped small and medium-sized companies to grow.

Generate Business for Your Brand

We want to increase your conversions and grow your business. To do this, we work with scientific rigour. We constantly analyse data to make decisions in real time and improve the return on your investment.


Full coverage in all markets

Since 2012, we have been helping companies like yours to generate more business, outperforming your competition and leading the digital presence in the sector, thanks to a working methodology based on innovation and excellence. We have grown companies in 8 languages, spread across 11 different countries.



They are learning from our experience.



We look for the most effective way to generate business.



Talent is brought by the people who make up BIGSEO.

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