Increased Ecommerce Conversions in 3 months

Thanks to a careful SEO strategy, Enrique Tomás achieved the first position for the transactional keyword with the highest conversion potential: “buy ham”.


in Google for the transactional keyword “buy ham”.


positioned derived keywords


of page visibility


Leader in the Iberian ham sector that triumphs in e-commerce

Enrique Tomás is one of the leading companies in the sale of Iberian ham in Spain.

It has more than 100 shops all over the world, in addition to its e-commerce shop, where you can buy any of its gourmet products from its wide range of hams, shoulders, cured meats, cheeses, wines, cavas and accessories.


Conquer the first position in Google for the Transactional keyword “Buy Ham”.

Before partnering with BIGSEO, the URL to be worked on was ranked sixth for the main keyword: “buy ham”.

The goal: to get the first position in the SERPs to attract qualified high-converting traffic and prevent them from visiting competitor’s sites.

  • Improve the organic positioning of the website in record time.
  • Multiply e-commerce visits, conversions and sales.


Create a two-pillar SEO strategy: targeted content and optimised internal linking.

The goal was to cater to different search intentions, relying on our Turbo SEO Guides. On the other hand, we used an internal chain linking strategy to efficiently convey the authority of each page.


SEO audit of the URL

The URL audit revealed that the page had critical errors that were detrimental to its organic positioning.

However, positive data was detected that demonstrated its great potential, such as a high CTR, above average retention and a lower bounce rate than other URLs.

Auditoria SEO Enrique Tomás


Transactional SEO strategy in two main pillars

We designed an SEO strategy focused on attracting qualified users, improving the usability of the site and increasing conversions.

We developed a line of action based on two main pillars:


Optimising content to respond to different search intentions

To improve positioning in the SERPs, it was important that the content of the page responded to different user search intentions.

Therefore, the URL structure was changed by creating a Turbo SEO Guide, a new morphology for category pages that segments users and responds to all their search intentions.

At the same time, quality content was included for the user, creating texts that not only rank in Google, but also provide value and improve conversion.

The new structure and optimisation of the content allowed:

  • Improved Web Usability: Thanks to the internal linking of the page, we achieved a more intuitive and faster navigation.
  • Improved Positioning: The optimised content positioned the URL in Google for secondary keywords such as “buy Iberian ham” or “Iberian ham price”.
  • More space in SERPs: By implementing the Rich Snippets FAQPage, the page gained space in search results improving CTR.
  • More retention on the page: By providing valuable content and responding to all the user’s search intentions for the main keyword, the user stayed longer on the page.
  • Increased Conversions: All the changes implemented had a positive impact on the conversion rate, increasing the number of purchases.
Estrategia SEO para tienda online


Chain Linking to improve Page Authority

In order to increase the authority of the URL, we designed a chain linking strategy.

To do this, we send traffic from other URLs better positioned on the Enrique Tomás website.

This way we managed to transfer the accumulated authority of these pages to the target URL.

Caso de éxito de Enrique Tomás


TOP 1 in Google for Highest Converting Keyword

Three months after the implementation of the new strategy, Enrique Tomás reached the first position with the most transactional keyword: “buy ham”.

And not only that.

Thanks to the optimised content of high value for users, the URLs ranked for more than 132 derived keywords.

These include keywords focused on the lower part of the funnel, with a high level of monthly searches such as “buy Iberian ham” or “Iberian ham price”.