Achieve ROAS x1100 with Paid Traffic in just 11 months

With a paid strategy focused on Google Ads and Meta Ads, FUJIMAE achieved an average ROI of 11 euros for every euro invested.

x1100 ROAS

of Organic Traffic in a year


purchases via payment campaigns


% Conv. of Payment
(vs. 1.29% Organic Conv.)


FUJIMAE is an online shop specialising in Martial Arts.

With equipment for more than 25 disciplines and products for everyone from enthusiastic amateurs to professionals, FUJIMAE has its own brand with high quality products and finishes.


Achieve a high return on advertising investment in less than a year on a new account, with no historical data.

As we did not have historical data, we started the project estimating many variables: CTR, CPC, % Conversion, Average Ticket, etc. From the outset, we knew there would be a significant learning curve, but we had the formula to reach our goal in less than a year.


A multi-channel advertising strategy on Google and Meta Ads based on A/B testing.

To achieve this, we implemented a campaign strategy focused on A/B testing and with a clear focus on results. This model allowed us to multiply ROAS by 84% from the first to the fourth month of campaigns and to reach an average ROAS x110 in only 11 months of campaigns.


Campaign advertising strategy

The first thing we did was to build an advertising strategy. Following our own methodology, we carried out a Keyword Research, analysed the sector in depth (competition, demand, seasonality) and created a simple and effective account structure.


Generating and collecting demand

Demand generation in Meta Ads and its subsequent collection in Google Ads have been key steps in maximising the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, optimising results and gaining a holistic view of performance.


Audience, creative and copy tests

Constant A/B testing between audiences, creatives, formats and copy was the basis for the success of the campaigns. Without a doubt, updating the creatives every 1.5 months was a key element to maintain an optimal frequency and to keep the interest of the audience.


Analysis and optimisation

The new advertising paradigm is constantly changing, and so are the advertising strategies that work. Our optimisation methodology is based on 3 layers: creative or keywords, audiences and bids or budgets.


Average ROAS x1100 in just 11 months

High competition means that the winner is the one who is able to adapt quickly and stand out from the rest. After 3 months of learning, the project started to scale in sales volume and ROAS, obtaining very positive results.

After positioning the payment channel as a new source of income for FUJIMAE, and maintaining an average ROAS x110 since the activation of campaigns, we are ready to face the next challenge: to increase the monthly investment to scale the results.

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