Increase Qualified Traffic Acquisition

Transactional SEO Architecture


Traditional Web Architectures no longer work

Traditional SEO strategies work with very generic keywords. They are keywords with high demand but with a search intent that is not very purchase oriented.

By working in this way, sites that implement this type of architecture have three major shortcomings:

They do not exploit all the business opportunities in your sector.

They attract less qualified traffic and have few conversions.

They do not work with all the possible keywords offered by the sector.


Transactional SEO Architecture

However, there is another way to approach your website’s SEO strategy and take your business to the next level.

At BIGSEO we have designed a new SEO strategy to exploit the full potential of your business, improve user segmentation and boost conversion rates.

Position your project for transactional keywords with less competition.

Increase the visibility of your website and attract more qualified traffic.

Improve your conversion rate and achieve a higher ROI.


The AST in depth

At the most superficial levels, such as the homepage, we work on the generic transactional keywords with the highest search volume.

At deeper levels, such as categories and subcategories, we work on more specific keywords with fewer searches.

This allows the user to be segmented and reach the page that best responds to their search intent. A strategy that improves the user experience and increases the chances of conversion of each page.

BIGSEO Case Study

The Objective was created in 2018 as a niche website. After years leading the barbecue sector, the challenge was clear: Scale the business and increase its turnover through Amazon’s affiliate programme.

The Analysis

The structure classified the products in main categories but when we analysed the project in depth, we detected that by applying a Transactional SEO Architecture we could increase the traffic and expand the scope of the business. 

After conducting keyword research specific to the barbecue sector, we located a large number of transactional keywords with high conversion potential that were not being worked on.

Our Strategy

Based on this research, we will create subcategory pages for these keywords, going from 32 URLs to over 100 pages working on very specific keywords such as “modern barbecues”.

This will allow us to segment the user to a point very close to the purchase decision and position ourselves with keywords that no one is competing for.


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